The 28th edition of POLLUTEC took place from 27-30 November 2018 at Eurexpo Lyon. The salon celebrated the 40th anniversary of its foundation.
Following the economic, industrial, political and environmental changes in the 20th century, sustainable development emerged as a major subject. In France, the idea to organize a trade fair presenting technological solutions for then-current environmental issues solidified in Paris in 1978. The main pillars of the first POLLUTEC exhibition were water, air, pollution and waste management. Later, the exhibition moved its location to Lyon and for a period between 1993 and 2013, it switched its location annually between Lyon and Paris. Since 2014 POLLUTEC takes place biennially in Lyon.
This year’s anniversary edition attracted more than 70’000 visitors and 2'200 exhibitors during the 4 show days. For the first time, after a longer period of absence, Swissenviro was honored to take over the organization of the Swiss Pavilion again. The French market for environmental technologies is currently very dynamic as it is being strongly supported by investments from the French political elite. The interest on the side of Swiss companies to participate in the fair and show presence in that region was therefore high.
The main Swiss booth was organized on a good location in the "Pavilion Hall" 4. The stand for Villiger Entsorgungssysteme AG was arranged in hall 2.
One of the highlights at the Swiss Pavilion during the show was the visit of the Swiss Consul General in Lyon, H.E. Beat Kaser and his delegation consisting of Mr. Patrice Jacquier and Ms. Florine Angèle from the Swiss Business Hub France and Mr. Jean-Marc Betemps from the Swiss Chamber of Commerce France on Thursday, 29th November 2018. After meeting the first co-exhibitors at the stand, all present gathered at the bar for a short welcome speech. During his speech Mr. Kaser pointed out the specific business opportunities the French market is holding for Swiss companies.
Stéphanie Gay-Torrente, Director of POLLUTEC, also gave a short welcome speech, emphasizing the importance of country pavilions as an efficient and convenient way for companies to set a first step into a new market. She also accentuated, that country pavilions fulfill an important orientation function for foreign companies by marking the national presence on a foreign territory.
After this short break at the bar with traditional Swiss specialties and drinks, the visitation tour continued in the afternoon around the Swiss Pavilion in hall 4, as well as in hall 2, where Villiger and other regular Swiss Pavilion participants were located.
The feedback from the Swiss companies regarding their participation at POLLUTEC was clearly positive. They met enough quality visitors, collected an adequate number of project-offer requests and had interesting encounters with professionals from the environmental sector during the first 3 days of the show period.
Thank you to all co-exhibitors including Aquaren GmbH / KMU LOFT Cleanwater GmbH, Cleantech Alps, Fimars SA, FUB AG, Hitachi Zosen Inova AG, LSM Systems/Biogreen and Smixin SA for joining the last Swiss Pavilion in 2018, as well as CLA-VAL Europe and Villiger Entsorgungssysteme AG for the cooperation!
We would also like to cordially thank the Swiss Consulate General in Lyon for their visit and a special warm thank you to the numerous visitors (participants of Swiss Pavilions earlier this year, other exhibitors, visitors and organizers) for passing by, bringing presents and joining the discussions at the daily aperitifs at the Swiss Pavilion bar!